Welcome to My Blog Spot about Empowering Teachers and Ed Tech, along with Pepper Robot SA.

So who am I ?
Hi my name is Scott Giles and although I studied to be a teacher, and I still teach every now and then, I am not a teacher. I am an entrepreneur who believes in technology and educating our teachers with it, on how to use it and how to teach it. Pepper and I have travelled a long road together of plenty of ups and a few downs, so it is only fitting Pepper is part of this blog too. And just a heads up I never taught English, so for those like my friend Stewart (Oxford) I ask for your patience as I improve my grammar and spelling (with technology of course), there may be a preposition or two out of place.

What's this all about?
I look forward to sharing insights into what's what in the world of ed tech in teaching, my thoughts on the new Coding and Robotics curriculum, having already been teaching our own version for two years now. I have always known that there is a real lack of support overall for teachers when it comes to technology integration into the classroom and a lack of teachers for teaching technology.
Business as usual
With my businesses I am lucky to be involved in the classroom and out, this influences my decisions daily and stresses out my staff as I continually ask " Why are we doing this - what do the teachers or students gain from this?" I also am blessed to have 2 children one 6 and one 10 so I follow their experiences in school and compare what I am doing versus what their school is doing, that will be a blog for sure. This affords me the opportunity to see students, teachers, classrooms and schools from a business perspective and well ....disrupt. Here are a few of my businesses you can visit if you are interested The Technology Training Academy and our online training platform after-school.co.za and our extra mural coding and robotics club, Kiddiengineer
Looking forward to sharing and learning
So welcome to my world of empowering teachers and Ed Tech. I am by no means the expert but love my experiences and learnings and just like all teachers should be I am a life long learner.