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micro:bit Beginner Workshop
Online in the SA cloud!
2024 dates will be up soon

Coding & Robotics
We are super excited to be offering this course to all our teachers in South Africa.
With the new coding and robotics curriculum being presented by the DBE, the BBC micro:bit is the top microcontroller for delivering all the requirements in hardware and the block-based coding, the curriculum is looking for.
Students can learn block-based coding or JavaScript/Python using the Microsoft MakeCode platform; advanced students can begin to code using a separate Python editor.
We introduce you to the Hardware, Software of MakeCode, and then show you the pedagogical way in which to best use the BBC micro:bit to deliver fun, engaging, simple to complex lessons and how you can easily get your PAT's (Practical Assessment Tasks) using the BBC micro:bit.
And receive your own New Version (V2) micro:bit!!!!
Launch Price:
micro:bits for beginners SACE Accredited (10 Points)
R900.00 includes shipping your micro:bit. R400.00 if you have your own BBC micro:bit
No previous experience is needed.
A working laptop or PC with a good internet connection (Windows 10 would be great)
Course details:
The course is 3hrs maximum
Prior learning material will be sent (internet-based, ideally completed before the course starts)
Payment is upfront to book your seat and confirm your BBC micro:bit so it can be sent to you in time (should you already have a BBC micro:bit the course will be R400.00)
micro:bit Beginner Workshop
Johannesburg - Randpark Ridge
Cape Town - Sea Point
KZN - Umhlanga
Dates coming soon

Coding & Robotics
We are super excited to be offering this course to all our teachers in South Africa.
With the new coding and robotics curriculum being presented by the DBE, the BBC micro:bit is the top microcontroller for delivering all the requirements in hardware and the block-based coding, the curriculum is looking for.
Students can learn block-based coding or JavaScript using the Microsoft MakeCode platform; advanced students can begin to code using a separate Python editor.
We introduce you to the Hardware, Software of MakeCode, and then show you the pedagogical way in which to best use micro:bit to deliver fun, engaging, simple to complex lessons and how you can easily get your PAT's (Practical Assessment Tasks) using the BBC micro:bit.
And receive your own New Version micro:bit!!!!
Launch Price:
micro:bits for beginners SACE Accredited (10 Points)
R950.00 this includes your micro:bit! (version2) R500.00 if you have your own BBC micro:bit
No previous experience needed.
A working laptop with wifi (preferably running Windows 10)
Course details:
The course is 3hrs maximum
There is a maximum of 15 seats available per session.
Prior learning material will be sent (internet-based, ideally completed before the course starts)
Payment is upfront to book your seat and confirm your micro:bit (should you already have a BBC micro:bit the course will be R500.00)